Putting in a new window glazing for a single pane window


Installing a new window glazing in your home is not as hard as it looks. You can actually do it by yourself as it is a very straightforward task for a single pane window located in ground floor with a removable sash. Forget about calling the carpenters to install the new window for you, this is the best way you can save more money. Before starting this project, there are few things that you need as mention below; you can ask the assistant in the hardware and home department in any store available if you are in question.

Materials and tools you need:

Replacement glass, glazing points, glass cleaner, tape/liquid masking, exterior trim paint, towel, single edge razor, paint primer, glass cutter, long nose pliers, chisel/flathead screwdriver, glazier tool/stiff putty knife, glazing compound, silicone/ silicone acrylic caulk, tape measure, metal straightedge square, ruler


First, carefully unattached the window sash and place it on a flat worktable or surface. Remove all the shattered glass left on the window sash. One easy and safe step to remove the remaining shattering glasses is by laying a towel over the glass to break it and carefully shake out the pieces.

Remove any old glazing compound left on the glass perimeter. The glazing will be hard to scrap off because it maybe hardened. To solve this, use a glazier tool, flathead or an old chisel or a putty knife to scrap out the compound. Using a long nose plier, pull out nay glazing points such as small metal fasteners that hold the glass in place.

A too dry wood will be absorbing all the glazing compound\’s oils. To prevent this, paint a coat of fast drying primer paint on any bare wood that is exposing while removing the old compound. Before buying a new glass for your single window pane, measure the opening where the glass will fill by using measuring tape. Ask the store assistant to cut a replacement glass pane of 3mm or 1/8 inch shorter and narrower than those dimensions.

If you have a glass handy with you that only requires cutting to fit, firstly place it on a thin rug or other padded and firm surface. Place a metal straightedge or square ruler over the glass at the cut line. Make a score from edge to edge of a table or board. To complete the cut, snap the overhanging portion downward carefully.

Apply a thin bead of caulk on the frame perimeter as a setting bed before installing the glass for a weatherproof and watertight seal on the exterior. You can also use a thin coat of glazing compound and press it into place with a putty knife.

Then, put the new pane in the frame by pressing it hard enough to bed it in the compound or caulk. Place at least two glazing points on the glass. The points should face the frame along each side about 5cm in from each corner. Use additional points so the maximum span between them is 20cm. use a glazier\’s tool or putty to press the points into the woods.

Using your hands, roll a handful of glazing compound until it is soft and pliable. Make a rope form from the glazing compound about 1 cm in diameter and press it into the corner between the glass and the wood frame using your fingertips.

Press the compound firmly in place against the glass and the wood frame using a glazier\’s tools or stiff putty knife. To make sure the beveled compound fills the gap, angle and cock the tool as needed. Make a one long continuous stroke to finish each side.

When finished, scrape off any excess compound with the same tool or knife. Without disturbing the compound, clean the glass carefully. Affix the sash back in and let the glazing compound to dry for a week or more.

Finally, to protect the glazing from the weather, paint over with exterior trim paint. You can paint it freehand with a paint brush or just spray on it but make sure you mask the glass with tape or liquid masking before painting the glazing. You can form a watertight seal on the glass by painting about 3mm or more out onto the glass. If there is any excess paint on the glass, scrape it with a single edge razor in a holder. To maintain the seal, leave a thin edge of paint on the glass.

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