A fluke meter can be used to measure voltage, current and resistance. A fluke meter is quite easy to understand, but it is not in everyone’s understanding to really get what electric instruments are about especial if they are as complicated as fluke meters. There are ways in which one can properly read and understand a fluke meter. This can be done by selecting the correct function on the selector knob and you would be able to read them on its large digital display.
What you need:
- Multimeter probes
Fluke Meter
- Start off by connecting your probes that are color coded with red and black onto your Fluke digital multimeter. The color of your probes that is of the banana jack color needs to match the input plugs. The black colored ones need to be inserted into the negative or common plug while the red colored one should be inserted into the positive plug. It is very important that you put in the plugs or rather the probes into the right plugs. Putting the wrong ones into its non-partner plugs would definitely not make it work any better.
- Next, turn on the multimeter and select the function dial that you want to use. The Fluke meter comes with an automatic range circuitry where you only need to choose which function you want to use whether for measuring resistance, current or voltage. It’s not difficult at all to figure this one out, but if you still have difficulty then it is better to consult someone before taking this step up.
- Whenever you touch the probes, make sure it touches the metal contacts from which you want to do the measurement and also ensure that your hand is always on the plastic insulation for safety precautions. This is to ensure that nothing goes wrong. It’s better for your safety too.
- Then, you would be able to read the number straight from the Fluke multimeter’s display, which was being measured via the tips of the probes. Voltages are measured using volts; current is measured with amperes while resistance is measured with ohms.
- Once finished, you have to remove the probes away from your measurement source and always turn off your Fluke digital multimeter. If you are not able to remember the reading, write it down on your notebook.
- This is how you can properly read a fluke meter. Though, all these electrical instructions may sound confusing, these are quite easy and simple steps. Still, if electric components are beyond your understanding then it is better to ask someone who has better knowledge of all that to help you with this project.
Additional Reading:
How to Diagnose and Repair Automotive Electrical Systems (Motorbooks Workshop)