Installing wall boards for plaster wall works in almost the same way as it does when installing drywall. It is more economical and easier to use all 6 meter long sheet to cut walls from especially any job over 200 m2. This is to reduce waste and you won\’t have many different sizes of sheets laying around getting in the way. When bulk load in 6 meter sheets, there are many tips that allow you to use the sheet economically and make the job quick.
Here are a few good tips:
- Always start cutting the longer sheets first. When you have cut the long sheet measure the off cut and find a place for it to be used and cut it to size straight away. This prevents a build up of off cuts. Use any remaining off cuts in the pile that fits the wall size you want to reduce waste.
- When cutting a strip or have a large window off cut, don\’t just put the off cut aside. Narrow strips are very handy up the sides of doors or in cupboards etc. It is easier to cut a small strip off a larger sheet than from a small strip. So find a place to use the off cut and cut then measure both pieces and cut the smaller one first.
- For an obtuse internal corner, always try the cut and fold method first. The cut and fold method eliminates the need to stop up the obtuse internal, saving a lot of time. When you cut the back of the sheet and fold it around, provided that the cut is perfectly straight, it will give you a nice straight crease that will make up the obtuse corner. It is vital that you measure very accurately and the walls are plumb.
Always remember to install plasterboards that are meant for the ceiling first. This is because the wall sheets help hold up the ceiling sheets. If you hang the wall sheets first, it also reduces the amount of options you have in the length of the sheet, therefore increasing the chance of jamming the sheet as you lift it up.
Cut all the sheets and put them in position in the rooms before you start fixing. Place them on the wall where your first sheet will go up face out. If your room is not square put the shortest sheets in the room first then the longest, so the longest sheet is the first to put up. This makes it easier to check out the piece where the room gets smaller. Also by setting the room up this way you will not need to turn any sheets around. Hire a sheet lifter if possible to help you when installing the ceiling sheets. 2 x 4 stud (called dead man studs) will help hold up one end first, as you work your way down the ceiling sheet to the other end.
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