Picking up styles for your Bedroom

2955875017_4d8efafe0a [Desktop Resolution]Some people would like to create their own image and style which represents their personality when decorating and designing the bedroom. The bedroom sometimes is considered a personal haven where you will be resting and it is also a private place for relaxing. Some of the ways for decorating a bedroom are using various types of wall decor such as photos, paintings or posters. Below are some of the steps required for picking up styles for your own bedroom.

What you need:

  1. Wall decor such as:
  • Photosand sentimental items
  • Paintingsand wall colours
  • Posters
  1. Choose a perfect bed that suits your style and also flexible for change of style in future.
  2. Soft carpet or rug.
  3. Window curtains or blinds.


  1. First of all, you need to choose and design your own bed for example, choose a four-poster bed, a cast-iron bed-stead, wooden sleigh-bed or just choose a simple and comfortable bed to be placed inside you bedroom. Most of all, you must make sure the room space available in your room as you do not want it to be too clustered. You can also use a red comforter or red satin sheets to be placed on the bed combined with some soft plush pillows.
  2. You can choose deep and rich colours for the wall of your bedroom that can match with the lighting that you fixed into the room. For warm and cosy bedroom styles, you can always depend on earthy tones colour scheme such as beiges, stone colours, terracotta, pale browns, warm, rich neutrals and muted greens. If you prefer for spacious style of bedroom, you can use pale greens and blue colour which represents calm and restful.
  3. As for simple accessories, use a soft carpet or rug that you can feel comfortable when you step with your bare foot. Besides that, different kind of scented aromatherapy candles can also be use around the room to make you even more relax.
  4. Try to use neutral curtains or simple blinds to protect you from the incoming morning sun.
  5. Use sentimental items that you love to design or decorate the room such as family photos, gifts or paintings.
  6. Light up your room with quality lights and lighting which is suitable with the colour scheme that you have chosen to create more sensual or romantic mood to the room.

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