Buying the right Room Air Conditioner

Room Air Conditioner The most important thing to take into consideration is the size of the air conditioner where sometimes we tend to think that the bigger the air conditioner, the better its performance. But this is not correct because a properly chosen size of room air conditioner can efficiently cool your required room. It does ...

Buying the right Portable Air Conditioner

Portable Air Conditioner When choosing a portable air conditioner, it all depends on your specific requirement and your needs which can provide the best cooling solution to your home. The small portable air conditioning unit is normally suitable in areas where there are conventional window units or central heating and also in places where air conditioning ...

Reusing and Recycling Old Blankets around the House

Reusing and Recycling You may have many old blankets lying around the house left unused. Here are some ways that you can put them into better use, instead of leaving them to collect dust in the linen closet. Steps Patch WorkAny old cloth can be used for patch work. Patch work patches are traditionally hexagon in shape. ...

Installing your Air Conditioner

Air Conditioner When summertime arrives and the temperature from the outside weather is very hot and humid, a cool room with an air conditioner is the best place for you to have a rest and relax during summer. The installation of an air condition unit is a straight forward task but if you are not sure ...

Installing a Room Air Conditioner

Room Air Conditioner A room air conditioner which is also known as window air conditioners are designed to provide cooling to just one room. This air condition unit comes with a specific room or zoning specification thus achieving cooling savings than when using a central air conditioning. This unit of air conditioner is usually measured by ...

Turning your Old Blanket into a New Baby Blanket

Baby Blanket Does your baby seem to have a hard time sleeping at night whenever you leave him or her in the cot? Try cutting up your old blankets to make new baby blankets that will not only keep your baby warm, but leave him feeling safe and secure. If you have a favourite old blanket ...

Reusing an Empty Egg Carton

Egg Carton Today, egg cartons come in all forms and sizes; some are made out of plastic, and some made out of the same cardboard-like material. Either way, disposing them off just like that is a pure waste, especially since eggs can be considered a household staple. Here are some ideas on how you can reuse ...

Recycling your Old Paper Bags to Make Halloween Lanterns

Halloween Lanterns Instead of Jack\'O Lanterns, add in these paper bag lanterns for a twist on your Halloween decorations.On a thin piece of coloured cardboard, draw your favourite Halloween character. It may be a white ghost, a Jack\'O Lantern, or even a witch\'s hat. Alternatively, you can also look for these shapes in magazines. You will ...

Recycling Old Cassette Tape Boxes

Old Cassette Tape Boxes If you are still keeping your old cassette tape (also known as VCR tapes) boxes, chances are that they would have gone mouldy and thus, unusable, unless you have kept them in an airtight container. Although the tapes can not be saved anymore, you can still use the boxes they came in ...

Creating a vertical garden

Vertical garden If you are planning to grow plants in a small space at your home, a vertical garden is the perfect solution. Vertical gardening is a method that includes flowers and growing plants that rises up off the soil bed. Here are the steps on how to make your own vertical garden.To have a vertical ...

Recycling Empty Cereal Boxes

Empty Cereal Boxes If you have children around the house, chances are that they would most likely love having cereal for breakfast. And if that is the case, then chances are that you would have lots of empty cereal boxes lying around the house. Do not just throw them away or even put them into the ...

Recycling Candle Wax

Candle Wax Candle wax from burnt out candles can be reused over and over again, saving you money on buying candles. They may not look as good after some time, but they still do the job.Once you\'re done with a candle, scrape off the wax from your candle stick (or whatever you have used to hold ...

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