Unless you have experience applying fiberglass, it is well advise to leave the job to the professionals. Make sure that you find a company that has experience fibreglassing ponds. This is because the people whom you employ should understand that boat building and car bodies are very different from fibreglassing a pond, especially in regards to gel coats that would otherwise be toxic to the fish as per discussed in earlier chapters.
Also find out about the company’s previous work with pond owners. Their success there and the recommendation (as well as any negative feedback) will be important.
Fibreglassing Ponds
It would be good to what is involved during this process, so read on below to find out what happens when you apply fiberglass on the pond surface.
1. Cut the fiberglass matting to length first, allowing for a one inch overlap on each mat.
2. Mix the resin and the hardener with a ratio that depends on the ambient temperature where you live. Because the resin hardens after mixing, do not mix too much. Mix just enough for about 30 minutes work, before you proceed with another batch.
3. Apply to the concrete wall with a lambswool roller and cover the entire space where the fibreglass matting will be hung. Make sure that there is a one inch overlap for the subsequent matting.
4. Work your way around the pond, applying matting to walls and floor so that you don’t have to stand on drying resin.
5. Once the whole of the pond is fibreglassed, leave it until the application becomes tacky before applying the flow coat. The flow coat is a gel which has had wax added at the time of manufacture and leaves a smooth glossy finish.
6. Apply the flow coat with a lambswool roller. Leave to cure.
7. Check the flow coat layer after 1 – 2 days and sand any protruding splinters smooth.
8. Leave for another day.
9. After a day fill the pond with water and check for leaks.
10. Repeat two to three times.
11. Finally you can introduce your koi to the pond!