Tile is another way to add a beautiful style to any home. You can also raise the total value of your home by adding ceramic tile which is one of the most elegant and beautiful type of tiles. If you are planning to add ceramic tile to the floor of your bathroom, you don\’t have to call for carpenters to do it. You can save cost by doing it by yourself. Here\’s how you can do it.
Things that you need:
- Tiles
- wet-cut tile saw
- subfloor
- grout
- spacers and tile adhesive
- First, measure the surface area that you need to pile in square footage. Avoid measuring the area such as where your tub or vanity will be. Make a rough drawing of the area.
- Go to a hardware store to choose the materials that you need for tiling, and remember to bring your drawing too. In case of mistakes, order extra ceramic tile as this is especially important with special orders. You don\’t have to worry as the store representative will help you to determine how many boxes to order.
- Buy subfloor, tile adhesive, and tile spacers depend on how big you want your grout joints. Measure the thickness of your tile. Use a jamb saw to cut the jambs out of the door frame so that the tile can run underneath.
- Before starting the tiling project, remove the toilet. Then, remove the base molding from the bathroom walls and set it aside. To remember where it goes, you can mark number in each piece.
- Screw the subfloor to the plywood on your floor. Draw a grid of your design on the subfloor or lay out the tile to be sure. It will help you in case you are planning to have a fancy tile or accents.
- Start the tiling by doing against the longest wall. Apply adhesive to the back of each tile with a trowel and secure it to the floor. Work across the room and continue to tile toward the door of the room. To keep a uniform and consistent space between the tiles, use the tile spacers.
- Expect to rip the pieces of tile with a wet-cut tile saw or score saw to get around your tub, vanity or any permanent items in your bathroom. Mix the grout according to the manufacturer\’s instructions. Use a rubber applicator to apply grout in a small area (4 by 4 foot area) so that you can clean it up with a damp sponge. Work quickly before the grout dries. Move to continue the next area.
- Use a dry clean cloth to wipe down the ceramic tile after a few days to remove any remaining white haze on the tile.
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