Decorating your house for Halloween

Trick or Treats!
If it\’s your first time celebrating Halloween and you absolutely have no idea how to ghoul-up your house, these three ideas should do the trick.

Itsy bitsy spider []

Itsy Bitsy Spider
To create the look of a haunted house no one has ever lived in for many years, spread stretchy cobwebs all over your bushes, mailbox and trees. Then dig up your kids\’ collection of plastic spiders and place them in the webbings to make it look even creepier. You could add other types of bug to ramp up the creepy meter.

“Infested” Pumpkins []

“Infested” Pumpkins
Have you been watching horror movies lately? Did you notice how evil and grotesque their pumpkins looked? Copy the look by carving out the inside of your pumpkin and making holes all over it as if it has been chewed by the rodents. Using your creativity, place realistic looking rodents and bugs around and inside your pumpkin, making it looks as if they are crawling all over it. Put your infested pumpkin at your front door to greet those little goblins and ghouls coming for a trick or treats.

Bubbling Cauldrons [] Bubbling Cauldrons
For a witchy feeling, get yourself black cauldrons in various sizes and fill them with dry ice. Make it look as if you\’re brewing evil concoction by naming each cauldron with “human brain soup” or “barf-fest brew”. Be sure to put a warning at each cauldron so that everyone will know it\’s not a real drink.

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