Category Archives: Plasterboard

Plasterboard Installation

Installing wall boards for plaster wall works in almost the same way as it does when installing drywall. It is more economical and easier to use all 6 meter long sheet to cut walls from especially any job over 200 m2. This is to reduce waste and you won\'t have many different sizes of sheets ...

Plasterboard Applying Plaster

There are several types of plasters that you can use available in the market when applying plaster after installing the wallboards. You can either mix plaster of paris or purchase roll-on plasters (which is more suitable for DIY enthusiast) which allows you to just ‘paint’ or roll the plaster on with a roller brush.Plaster of ...

Taping Plasterboard Joins

When taping plasterboard joins, always cut plasterboard tapes to the length required, do not go around corners. Once base coast has set (but not dry) use an 8 inch joint knife to scrape any excess material from the join. Leaving the base coat to dry out before scraping back makes scraping back very difficult. Never ...

Plasterboard – Tools and Material

Plasterboard InstallationPlaster walls once framed home interiors, molded onto a lath with trowel and manipulated with a float until a smooth finish is achieved. They were heavy to handle and requires skill, making it all but obsolete in new construction. Solid plaster often provides a superior sound barrier and is harder and stronger than what ...

Plasterboard Types of Tape

Basic Tapes Available There are different tapes with different function for different areas of the wall. Below lists the different types of tape as well as their function. 1. Self adhesive fibre glass tape for recessed plasterboard wall joins2. Paper tape for plasterboard ceiling/wall joins, butt joins, internal angles Recessed JoinsApart from being the strongest plasterers tape, it ...