Category Archives: Home Improvement

Deck – Installing a Ledger

A ledger is used when you are attaching a deck to your existing home. This board is bolted to the house, and the deck is hung on it. If a freestanding deck (not attached to the house) is being constructed, then you do not use a ledger. What you need is to add more bracing ...

Deck – Tools, Material and Terminology

Materials:• 2 x 6 boards (pressure-treated pine)• 2 x 2 boards (pressure-treated pine) • 2 x 8 boards (pressure-treated pine) • 2 x 12 boards (pressure-treated pine) • 2 x 8 boards (pressure-treated pine) • 4 x 4 posts (pressure-treated pine) • 6 x 6 posts (pressure-treated pine) • Carriage bolts and nuts • Post anchors • Galvanized 3" decking screws • Concrete mix ...

Before installing a deck

Deck building can seem to be a complex do-it-yourself project. It is however, well within the scope of most novice builders. It is definitely a demanding job both physically and mentally, but is ultimately very rewarding. Before you start this project, be sure you have used all the proper materials and construction techniques, and make ...

Building A Deck Table

Each A-frame support for the table consists of:1 piece of 2x6 seat support1 piece of 2x4 tabletop support2 pieces of 2x6 legsAssembling the A-frame support1. The above image shows the side view of one of the A-frame of the deck table and its individual parts on right. There should be a width of 52 ¼ ...

Building A Deck Table

Like entertaining guests at garden parties and barbeques? Having deck tables will be a great addition to provide seating space for your guests. This article deals with the construction of a kid’s table, and you can also make adjustments to measurements to build an adult deck table. An A-frame table is a good choice for ...

Koi Pond – Ultra Violet Sterilizers

You will need to install UV sterilisers if you have green water. You should however remember that you should not rely solely on the UV unit to get rid of algae in the water. The filter that you’ve installed should be sufficient to solve the green water problem.UV Steriliser is recommended for Koi keeping. Not ...

Koi Pond – Venturi

Venturis are an effective way of getting oxygen into the water. While you can build one yourself, there are many choices that you can buy now at suppliers at reasonable price. A venturi works by compressing the flow of water, then releases it abruptly into a larger chamber which creates a vacuum.  Air is introduced ...

Koi Pond – Drains box

A drain box is where the bottom drains from the filters, vortex chamber, and filter overflow system are led. If you want to install any additional features to the pond, like a sand filter then it is recommended that you run spare 2" pipe and blanking it off so that it is available later if ...

Koi Pond – Pumps & Systems

You should by now have considered which type of pump and system that you will want to use with your pond, once you’ve decided which type of pond and filter system you will be using.Pump chamberPump chamber is where you will fit the pumps, UV, air blower, and any other electrical appliances that support the ...

Koi Pond – Filter media

There is a wide range of filter medias to choose from for your filter system. The following are just some that are available in the market:BrushesEficient at removing debris and blanket weed, brushes were very popular until a few years ago.However they require regular cleaning and also a lot of maintenance, and is time consuming. ...

Koi Pond – Concrete block filter units

There is a toss up between purchasing a fibreglass filter units that come pre-built but are expensive, or to build your own concrete block filter unit. Get as many quote as you can from dealers and suppliers, then weigh out whether you want to buy a fibreglass unit or to build your own.Sometimes it is ...

Koi Pond – Vortex filter chambers

Vortext chamber work just like a pre-fabricated chamber or fiberglass chamber, save for the difference in shape. The principle behind the shape of the chamber would have been discussed in an earlier chapter (see Vortex Chamber) and applied in the same manner to multiple vortex filter chamber like the one you see below.Square filter bays ...

Koi Pond – Fibreglass filter unit

When choosing your fiberglass filter unit, take into account the surface area of the filter in relation to the surface area of the pond. The surface area of the filter has to be one third the area of the pond to work effectively.Water from the pond enters the unit from the right most chamber where ...

Koi Pond – Filter systems

Knowing which filter system you will be using is important. You will need to make sure that you have a system that can support the volume of your pond effectively. You will also need to decide this base on the space that you have available to support the pond.  There are a few types of ...

Koi Pond – Fibreglass

Unless you have experience applying fiberglass, it is well advise to leave the job to the professionals. Make sure that you find a company that has experience fibreglassing ponds. This is because the people whom you employ should understand that boat building and car bodies are very different from fibreglassing a pond, especially in regards ...

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