Category Archives: Home Improvement

Rain Chains for Rainwater Harvesting

One of the most effective ways of directing water from the gutter into any rainwater collection device is by using downspouts that connect the rooftop gutters to the tank. However, some may argue that downspouts are not pleasing to the eye. Although less effective, rain chains can be used in their place to provide both ...

Making a Beach Skirt out of an Old Towel

Spring break is around the corner and being a student, you have a budget to work around to last you through the holidays. You also need cute beach cover ups to put over your new bikini without burning a hole in your pocket. Here is how you can fashion a beach skirt out of an ...

Refinishing your kitchen cabinets

Refinishing work done on your kitchen cabinets will definitely provide a fresh look to your old kitchen environment. Furthermore, it is much less expensive than buying new cabinets. Below are guides on how to refinish your kitchen cabinets.What you need: Oil-based primer Latex paint Polyurethane Paint tray Drill Screw Driver Drop cloth New hardware Level Pencil Contact paper Scissors Wash clothMethod:First thing that you need to do is ...

Fashioning a Baby Bib out of an old towel

Unwanted towels provide great material out of which you can make a baby bib. Not only will it help to keep food stains away from your baby’s clothes, it can also double up as a napkin so you won’t have to reach for an extra towel every time your baby spews food out of its ...

Making Oven Mitts out of an old towel

Thick old towels are suitable for making oven mitts as they provide good insulation. Here is how you can make your own oven mitts out of an old towel that probably has too many holes to be used any more. Thick towels will work better than thinner ones as they will provide better insulation to ...

Reusing your towels to make bedroom slippers

If you have accidentally torn your towel, hold on to it, instead of directly throwing it away. There are many sewing projects you can embark on with unwanted towels. The material used to make towels is not only soft, but also mostly child-proof. Therefore, save up your unwanted towels the next time you find a ...

Sewing a used towel into a hand towel

These customized, homemade hand towels make perfect gifts. You do not necessarily have to use used towels if you plan to give them away. One big towel can give you approximately a dozen hand towels. Thinner towels are easier to work with for this project.Firstly, cut your towel according to the desired size. If you ...

Making a beach tote out of unwanted towels

Too many towels lying around the house? How about turning one of them into a fully usable beach tote that you can carry the next time you hit the shores? For this project, use a towel with a fun design. Alternatively, you can use a plain-coloured towel which will provide you with a blank canvas ...

Making a beach cover up

Here’s how to make a simple kaftan-like cover up for your little girl to wear to the beach. As it is fashioned out of a towel, it will also help to dry your child after she has gone into the water, as well as keep her warm temporarily.Pick a towel that your child will like ...

Making an apron out of used towels

Old unwanted towels can be used to make aprons that are suitable to keep your children’s clothes clean when they are playing with paint. This is because towels are more absorbent and thus, there is less chances for paint to seep through and get on to clothes.First, measure the intended length of the apron. This ...

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