Category Archives: Home Improvement

Framing a shed door

Frame a Shed Door Framing a shed door is a simple application and almost similar installation to framing a door in a shed built elsewhere. In general, you have to construct a double post on one side of the frame where the door will hang. The header will be placed along with other upright and will ...

Choosing Bathroom Floor Tiles

Bathroom Floor Tiles It is important to choose the right tiles for your bathroom floor because the floor tile will become permanent once it is installed. Bathroom tile is available in many shapes, sizes, textures, designs and colors. Here are the steps on how to choose bathroom floor tiles.You will need: Home improvement magazines Internet Budget CameraSteps: First, try browsing on ...

Hiding a brick fence

Hide a Brick Fence Brick fence post has become one of the ways to protect your property well. It is considered one of the best ways, in terms of brick fence, to secure your property well. There are many ways and designs to build your brick fence post, and there are even more ways to hide ...

Creating a Monarch Butterfly Garden

Create A Monarch Butterfly Garden Gardening is a simple and nice hobby. If you are not familiar and this is your first step with gardening then you might find it a bit difficult. But, fear not as it doesn\'t last forever. You will get a grasps of gardening in no time. Overall, gardening is a very ...

Preparing a Bathroom Floor for Tiling

Preparing A Bathroom Floor For Tiling Proper preparation before tiling will make sure that your tiled floor will last longer. One of the most important and basic step when preparing the floor for tiling is to remove the old flooring and checking the subfloor for any damage. This is very important to avoid any unforeseen difficulty ...

Building an interior door frame

Build an Interior Door Frame Doors used to be simply doors before; as time has changed so did the purpose of doors. Doors are now seen as a decorative feature of one\'s home. Designers put much effort into designing doors; how should it be? What will be the size? Will it complement the house? What color ...

Installing a door jamb

Install a Door Jamb A door is an important element to a house and the trim that the door closes against needs more attention. If painting cannot solve the problem of your door to some extent then you need to build a new door jamb as it will prevent you from purchasing a whole new door ...

Creating a hoop house

Create a Hoop House A hoop house is a great addition to your garden that can extend your warm temperature vegetables gardening a month longer and earlier during the season. In general, a hoop house is a portable greenhouse that can be moved from one garden bed to another in less than an hour or so. ...

Creating a Mediterranean patio

Create A Mediterranean Patio To have a patio is really nice as a patio is a nice place to hang out and relax. A patio is an area which extends the living space of the home to the outdoors. The patio provides homeowners with a place for entertainment, relaxation and to enjoy outdoor living. Although, the ...

Constructing a door jamb

Construct a door jamb When it comes to the time that you need to install a door to your house, there is no reason to panic if you encounter a problem to construct the door jamb. A door jamb and a door frame go hand in hand. A door jamb works as the main support for ...

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