Category Archives: Home Improvement

Replacing a Heat Detector

Having a heat detector in your house especially in the kitchen area is good because the heat detector is a device just like a fire alarm device, which is designed to respond when the convected thermal energy of a fire increases the temperature of a heat sensitive element whereby its thermal mass and conductivity of ...

The Proper Way to Crimp the Connectors

Loose wiring or improper connection is one of the common reasons why there is always failure related to your electrical components. Although making wire connections is a straight forward task to do, it is often neglected or done without thinking a negative impact that may result from loose wires such as causing lost connections, providing ...

Finding Current Through Resistors

In order to impede electrical flow and making the flowing current safe for usage, you need to have electrical resistors, which are one of the components of an electronic circuit. By having this resistor, it will help you use your appliances without overloading them as well as injuring yourself. Whenever you detect that a resistor ...

Installing a New Breaker in the Main Panel

For those of you who have the knowledge and are brave enough to do things which relate to electricity should not be facing any problems when trying to install a new circuit breaker in the main electrical panel. Always be extra careful when dealing with electricity because even if you have turned off the main ...

Taking an Amp Reading on an Electrical Motor

In order to take an amp reading on your electrical motor is by using a multimeter. By doing this reading, you would be able to know whether parts of your wiring are broken or not, you are having components that might have been burned out or your power source is no longer viable. Whenever this ...

Calculating the Voltage Drop on 12-Volt Systems

The greater wire resistance that you encounter, the greater voltage drop will incur. Besides that, the metal in the wire also plays its part in contributing to the voltage degradation. In order to allow lower voltages than the one supplied to the circuit for specific purposes within the device, voltage drop series circuits need to ...

Making a Pull Chain Light Remote Controlled

As time has passed by, things have changed. The way we operate things have certainly changed. There are now shortcuts and better way to operate things. Certainly these new changes have made our lives better. We are free when it comes to certain aspects of operating things.The same can be said electronically. The change ...

Decorating With Autumn Style

As the season change, our tastes change as well and this applies to our homes. When we have a house, it's not fun to leave it as it is forever. Some people love change. Some people can't stand seeing the same thing every day. It isn't fun to see the same thing every day in ...

Making Placemats for Christmas

You can always reuse or recycle your old Christmas cards or even other greeting cards in order to make a lovely placemats for Christmas that you can decorate on your dining table or around the centerpiece. It is a project that not only you can do it, but also for the whole family to enjoy ...

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