Category Archives: Home Improvement

Installing Ceramic Tile Countertops

Patience is pre-requisite when you undertake the task of installing your own ceramic tile counter top. Take the time to lay out your entire tile and address any places that may disrupt the countertop, such as a sink or range top. Account for all the sink caps, quarter rounds, and backsplash tile you\'ll need before ...

Granite Countertops

Solid-stone countertops are a pricey proposition due to the special tooling and installation required. However, their natural beauty, durability, resistance to heat and a sense of permanence add value to the kitchen as well as the home. You will need to prepare a solid sub-base of 3/4-in. plywood, then add a lightweight tile-backer material (called ...

Installing Granite Countertops

When installing solid-stone countertops, move aside stoves and refrigerators and pull the kitchen sink before removing the old countertops. Then remove all of the lower cabinet drawers and doors and cabinet contents. Unscrew or pry the old countertops with a flat bar if they’re glued. You’ll have to climb into the cabinets to access the ...

Adding a kitchen island

Adding a kitchen island to your remodelingA kitchen island creates more counter space for the discerning home owner. Counter space can be a premium even in the most spacious kitchen, and an added charm and room space makes preparation of meals a great deal easier. There are kitchen islands of all shapes and sizes, fixed or mobile, making ...

Connectivity in your Kitchen

The Modern KitchenThe kitchen today is a far cry from the kitchen of yesteryear. The kitchen is no longer a place used simply for cooking. It now serves as an all-purpose centre, the cooking/eating center, gathering place, work area and entertainment spot for the family. Back in the early eighties when PCs were young, having a ...

Installing a Kitchen Pass Through

A kitchen pass through opens up closed off spaces and allow light to flow to between rooms. It also allows you to keep an eye on the kids in the other room while you’re preparing meals for the family. Adding functionality to your rooms, and ensuring no one feels left out of anything while they ...

Choosing Your Contractor

Creating a kitchen to your specification is a humongous task. It requires careful planning of details in different areas. Trying to translate what you have in mind into paper may be a difficult thing to do as you will have to take into considerations all the pros and cons of decisions you make, as well ...

Changing Knobs and Pulls

It is not a very difficult task to change your kitchen door knobs and door pull for your existing kitchen cabinet or for your newly installed kitchen. All you need are some tools and some patience, and you can transform your kitchen cabinets from functional to fabulous. Tools you will need: a drill with a 3/16" drill ...

Plasterboard Installation

Installing wall boards for plaster wall works in almost the same way as it does when installing drywall. It is more economical and easier to use all 6 meter long sheet to cut walls from especially any job over 200 m2. This is to reduce waste and you won\'t have many different sizes of sheets ...

Plasterboard Applying Plaster

There are several types of plasters that you can use available in the market when applying plaster after installing the wallboards. You can either mix plaster of paris or purchase roll-on plasters (which is more suitable for DIY enthusiast) which allows you to just ‘paint’ or roll the plaster on with a roller brush.Plaster of ...

Taping Plasterboard Joins

When taping plasterboard joins, always cut plasterboard tapes to the length required, do not go around corners. Once base coast has set (but not dry) use an 8 inch joint knife to scrape any excess material from the join. Leaving the base coat to dry out before scraping back makes scraping back very difficult. Never ...

Plasterboard – Tools and Material

Plasterboard InstallationPlaster walls once framed home interiors, molded onto a lath with trowel and manipulated with a float until a smooth finish is achieved. They were heavy to handle and requires skill, making it all but obsolete in new construction. Solid plaster often provides a superior sound barrier and is harder and stronger than what ...

Plasterboard Types of Tape

Basic Tapes Available There are different tapes with different function for different areas of the wall. Below lists the different types of tape as well as their function. 1. Self adhesive fibre glass tape for recessed plasterboard wall joins2. Paper tape for plasterboard ceiling/wall joins, butt joins, internal angles Recessed JoinsApart from being the strongest plasterers tape, it ...

Wall Panels

Starting the ProjectBecause not all houses would have been built with the same wall types, these steps must be taken prior to installation of wall panels:When installing on solid backing Locate the wall studs. Repair the old wall, ensuring that it is nailed tightly to its framing. The framing behind walls usually runs vertically on 16" ...

Wall Panels Preparation

There is a paneling style for almost every decor. Choices include rustic boards, frame-and-panel designs with or without moulding, and elaborate raised panels. You can cover an entire wall or choose waist- or shoulder-high wainscotting. Paneling can be made from fine hardwoods or inexpensive pine. Finishes run the gamut, as well. Panels can be given ...

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