Category Archives: Plants

Building a formal entrance garden

You don\'t have to be in Versailles to have a beautiful formal entrance garden to welcome visitors. If you have small garden entrance, it might not seem to offer much scope for an extended symmetrical arrangement. However, a small standard tree in a square bed can make a charming formal front garden. Here are methods ...

Ways to grow potatoes

Potatoes are now so common with many more varieties being added over the years. We desire to know more on how to grow potatoes in little pots of their own and mostly without chemicals. There are several questions you need to ask yourselves, on deciding which type of potatoes whether the choice will be "Earlies" ...

Caring for a Hebe (Veronica) plant

Hebes (Veronica) plants are one of those plants that have the "girl-next-door" looks. In fact, most gardeners may have a Hebe plant or two as fillers instead of the focal plant in their beds. One of reasons, Hebes plant grows without too much fuss. However, the Hebe is sometimes bundled in with the Veronica family ...

Growing snap peas

Fancy of having your own vining vegetable in your garden? Why not try to grow garden peas or snap peas. The snap peas are one of the earliest and the easiest vegetables that grow in the garden. Start to impress your family and friends by starting your own garden grown snap peas for salad and ...

Growing plug plants

Plug plants usually are used in seasonal garden and landscape design. This plant can add significant personal value to the time you have to spend outdoors. It will also provide a quick start to your personal gardening goals. Generally, a plug plant will look like the plant species that you are looking for which is ...

Growing Mushrooms at Home

Growing your own mushroom at home is easy and not as difficult as you think. Mushrooms can be a rewarding project because of the multitude usage of it. Generally, the common mushroom such as the Agaricus species can grow easily on compost, held in bags, trays, and boxes or raised beds. Here are the methods ...

Growing Mushrooms

Stir fry, sear, make into soup or even tinned. Mushroom is a type of edible fungus which is popular in each culinary almost entire world. The variety and versatility of mushroom has made them to be produced in mass production. Although, you can buy mushroom in any local store or weekend market, it is not ...

Growing indoor mushroom kit

Indoor mushroom kit can help you to produce home grown mushroom supply for all year round even during winter time. The best thing that you won\'t need a big space, hence the name \'indoor mushroom kit\' which means that it can be done inside your home. Mushrooms can get into any dish used in any ...

Planting Blueberries in Your Garden

Blueberry cultivation is an intricate but fulfilling hobby. There are many varieties of blueberries to choose from. The type chosen depends on the region as well as the intended use after. There are three distinct types: High bush, semi-high bush and low bush. Whichever variety you choose, it is recommended that you plant at least ...

Planting Eggplants in Your Garden

Eggplants are one of the easiest vegetables to grow. Eggplants are grown globally and are enjoyed all over the world. There are several types of eggplants. Some of the most common types are the dark purple variety which can run to being almost black in color. They are shaped either round or oblong, or can ...

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