Building a wall block using concrete

Some times when you think you can build a wall block by yourself, think again because it is better to do it with the help of friends rather than doing it alone. It looks like a simple task to work on but two heads are better than one. In order to make a wall block, you need a clean slab as a base or footing to enable the blocks to have something to be attached to. Blocks are made from various types of materials and come with different sizes and due to this, it enables you to design a wall of any thickness in a simple stretcher bond. Whenever you are building concrete blocks, always remember not to wet them before use as they can shrink when they dry thus making the mortar joints to crack. Below are some of the steps in order for you to build a wall block using concrete.

What you need:

  1. Bricks or Concrete Blocks
  2. Two core 8-by-8-by-16-inch units or three core 8-by-8-by-16-inch units
  3. Steel sash unit or wood, single bullnose, capping or header unit
  4. Stakes
  5. Mortar
  6. Trowel
  7. Garden Hose
  8. Carpenter\’s Square
  9. Work Gloves
  10. Galvanized or Plastic Pail
  11. Plumb bob
  12. Wheelbarrow


  1. First of all, you need to measure the area that you wanted to build the concrete wall and design a sketching of the wall according to your plan. By doing this, it will make the project a more cost effective rather than you choose a design-as-you-go method which is not efficient.
  2. Go to your local hardware store to purchase all the materials that you need in order to get started on the project. Let them know the measurements of the concrete wall to enable them to assist you in providing the number of bricks to use for it and also the amount of mortar for building the block wall.
  3. After you have purchased all the supplies that you will need, you can start to pound stakes at the corners of the concrete wall and then string a line from one corner to the next one. You can also use a plumb bob at least a couple of inches from where the string crosses at the corners to ensure that the corners are leveled.
  4. Then, you have to lay the corners first as it will be as a guideline for in having a straight walls. To start laying the corner bricks for the wall\’s footing, firstly you must smear the mortar using a trowel beyond the length and width of the brick\’s footing before you place the brick on top of it. The trowel can be use to scrape excess mortar and always remember that it is better to have more mortar rather than not enough. Take your time to ensure that the corner block are straighten because all the other blocks will line up along with the corners and make sure to use a level to confirm that it is straight.
  5. Just follow the above steps in order for you to do the other corners. Remember to build the corners first and try to keep the corners higher than the rest of the wall because this will help you as guidelines as you go through your project.
  6. You need to tap the bricks down over the wet mortar and also use the level to check the alignment. As for the rest of the steps, you can follow the same procedure as if you are doing the corners in laying down the rest of the bricks for the remaining section of the walls until you reached the desired height.

Additional Reading:

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