Author Archives: Mike

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Being Energy Efficient At Home

Astounded by the charges in your bills every month? It\'s indeed a fact that comfort comes at a price but you need not succumb to paying accelerating costs when there\'re alternatives in reducing your cash outflow. Being energy efficient is possible for every type of homes, whether a single- or multi-family dwelling, or mobile home.Regardless ...

Maintaining your Solar Water Heating

The solar water heating system captures the sun\'s energy for heating up the water that you can use for your daily house usage. There are two types of solar water heating systems namely active or passive. No matter what type of system that you use, with proper maintenance, the system will be able to last ...

Growing Clivia Miniata

Clivia miniata plants are originally from South Africa. They come with various types and colors and flower at the end of the winter and just when the spring starts. Growing your own clivias is not as hard as it seems to be. They can be gown by the use of seeds or division. If your ...

Constructing a Brick Fence

Brick fences can be considered the most secure fence as it is permanent and offers complete privacy. Not only that, they can also act as noise barriers if your house faces a busy road. However, it is very hard to construct and might require professional skills. The simplest brick fence that you can construct yourself ...

Constructing a bamboo cane fence

Bamboo cane fences are a cheaper, sturdy, environmentally friendly alternative to wood or barbed wire fences that provide a more natural look to your garden. They offer as much privacy and protection from intruders as its tips might be sharpened to prevent unwanted visitors from climbing over or under the fence. Constructing a bamboo cane ...

Maintaining your Solar Hot Water Heater

When you use a solar hot water heater, it will capture the sun\'s energy and then use it to heat up the water for your house usage. The two basic types of solar water heating systems are active or passive. With proper and simple maintenance, your solar hot water heating system should be able to ...

Recycling Metal

In the United States alone, according to the Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries (ISRI), recycling of scrap metals reaches up to 150 million metric tons for a year which includes 85 million tons of iron and steel, 5.5 million tons of aluminum, 1.8 million tons of copper, 2 million tons of stainless steel, 1.2 million ...

Saving Water around Your Home

Water is precious because we cannot live without it. So why not step up the effort in serious water conservation which also saves money spent on bills?Here are some pointers you can take to achieve these objectives:Take short showersShower uses much less water than a bathtub. If you use a bucket instead, fill it with ...

Saving energy for your Home

In order to improve the energy efficiency of your home, you can do the plugging method which is also known as air sealing of areas in your house where air can get in or get out easily. This is the most important first steps to make when weatherizing your house for increasing its energy efficiency. ...

Making a seed tray

It is a rewarding and exciting experience to start vegetables and annuals from seeds. If you want to start your vegetables or fruits seedlings, purchasing seeds and supplies will make you well ready. What you need is a good seed tray, a sunny and warm windowsill that will bring the sprouts in no time. You ...

Saving energy for Furnaces

It does not matter if you are using furnaces running on fuel oil, propane, or natural gas because whatever the source is the end results is you create heat with a flame. Every time the furnace is turned on, the source will be used and furthermore the house heat increases with the furnace being turned ...

Saving energy for Gardening

Everywhere around the world, people are trying to come up with a lot of energy saving ideas for gardening work such as to conserve water and also reducing other kinds of energy that are being used when you are doing gardening work. In order to save energy for gardening, below are some of the things ...

Saving Energy for Fireplaces

Fireplaces provide a wonderful ambiance and also reduce heating bill expenses. It is also built for providing heat during winter, and also for cooking meals. Nowadays, it is just a décor and also as an alternative choice of electric heating. In order to save energy for your own fireplaces, below are some of the things ...

Reusing paper bags

Sure, paper bags are an environmentally friendlier alternative to plastic bags, but they still need take up a lot of resources and energy to produce and dispose. Here is how you can reuse the paper bags you get from grocery stores to help save the environment.Kitchen Towel AlternativeThe next time you make fish and chips, ...

Reusing old plastic bags

Don\'t know what to do with the mountain of plastic bags you collected before the return of paper bags? Here are some ways you can reuse them before disposing them off to landfills.Laundry BagUse plastic bags as make-shift laundry bags while on vacation. That way, you won\'t risk having your clean clothes smelling like the ...

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