There are basically two type of pond, a liner pond or a concrete pond that you can build. This chapter is applicable if you’ve decided to build a liner pond. Dig a hole, put in a liner and fill it up with water. Sounds simple enough? Hold on…
When you decide to build this type of pond it is wise to build a collar around where the pond will be situated. This is to give a good edge of support for the liner when it is laid over the top.
Concrete Shuttering
Mark out the pond’s layout with wooden pegs placed at regular intervals. Once you are completely satisfied with the layout, dig out a trench about 12 inches wide and 10 inches deep.
Line the side of the trench with shuttering, like hardboard, so that it is well supported. This is so that the outline will not bulge when concrete is poured and tamped down. You must ensure that the shuttering is level, and so that you can use it as the final level for the concrete.
Mix the concrete : 3 parts gravel, 2 parts sand and 1 part cement by volume. Make sure that you do not get the mixture too wet, but just enough so that you can tamp down the mixture with a length of wood to get rid of air pockets.
Leave for 24 – 36 hours
Carefully remove the shuttering. The concrete at this point is not hard yet. Smooth out the top corner over which the liner will be laid so it gives a radius instead of a very sharp edge.
Once you’re done, leave this for a couple of days before starting to dig out the pond, as the concrete can still be easily damaged.
Digging out the pond
Once the concrete has hardened, dig out the pond. You may need to employ an excavator especially if the soil in the area that which you live in is clay or if the pond is especially large.
1. Once you complete the digging, start thinking about fitting the bottom drains. You can approach this in two ways:
2. Dig a trench to fit the pipes and bottom drain and then fill it in;
3. Dig the trench, fit the pipes then fill the trench with concrete. This will securely hold the drain in place, as well as support the liner when it is fitted in place around the drain.
Tip: While it is possible for you to build a pond without a drainage system, you will appreciate the fact that you took the extra step (and the additional cost) to do it especially after getting tired of years of regularly siphoning out the pond to clean and maintain it. So think carefully about this.
4. For added protection, line the whole inside of the excavation with old carpet or carpet underlay to protect the liner as well as insulate it.
5. Whether or not you omit the above step, ensure that there are no stone on the sides or the bottom of the pond that could possible pierce through the liner.
Types of liner
As discussed above the ideal liner that will give you durability is a butyl liner that you purchase for a reputable supplier.
Fitting the liner
When you use this type of liner it is important to make sure there are ample material to cover the whole surface of the pond as well as all around it so that when it is finally in place and filled with water, you will have enough liner to turn it up into the surrounding wall and well above the pond water level.
While you can let the weight of the water spread out the liner, it is recommended that you get the liner into place, pull it carefully into place as the water fills up place and fold it as required in the corners. This is so that you can maximize the life of the liner. Have the least amount of creases in the liner.