Unwanted towels provide great material out of which you can make a baby bib. Not only will it help to keep food stains away from your baby’s clothes, it can also double up as a napkin so you won’t have to reach for an extra towel every time your baby spews food out of its mouth. The best thing about these baby bibs are that they are easily washable and if they get too dirty, you can easily make a new one.
- Using a tape, measure around your baby’s neck loosely. This will provide you with the circumference of the collar.
- Draw a circle of the same circumference onto a piece of blank paper. Now, draw the shape of a bib with the neckline as your guide. The bib should be oblong at the bottom and rounded around the neck about two inches away from the neck line. Cut out your template as well as the small hole that was first drawn.
- Next, transfer your template onto an old towel. Remember to cut out the neck hole before doing so.
- Cut out the design from the towel, ensuring that you have approximately 1 inch of sewing space all around. Cut out the neck hole and make small slits around it measuring about half an inch. Snip the neck hole at the top most middle part so that you can pull it apart completely.
- Cut a sheet of plastic or any other light-weight waterproof material according to the same shape.
- Pin the plastic sheet together with the towel cut-out.
- Sew all the edges of the towel up to cover the plastic sheet. This will also prevent the ends from fraying.
- When sewing the neckline, be sure to try it on your baby for size. The neckline should not be too big as to allow food and saliva to drip onto your baby’s clothes, or too small that it might suffocate your baby.
- Your baby bib is almost complete. Sew the opposite ends of Velcro tapes on to the two ends of the neckline that can be pulled apart. Make sure that the scratchy side of the Velcro tape is positioned facing upwards to avoid discomfort for your baby.
- You can also personalize the bib by embroidering your baby’s name onto the bib. It will also make a good memorabilia that your child can keep.
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